In response to customer requests, I've decided to try to keep a few of the higher demand items in stock; mostly gauntlets, gorgets,and pauldrons, but a few other items as well.
Items currently
(pictures on Catalogue page):
$60 US / Cdn.
Gorget, large,
smooth finish (fits 17" to 21" neck): 0
$60 US / Cdn.
medium, smooth finish: 1 pairs
$90 US / Cdn.
Gauntlets, Medium, smooth finish: 0
$110 US / Cdn.
Gauntlets, Medium, smooth finish: 0
$45 US / Cdn.
Simple Elbows
(small), up to 12" circumference, smooth finish: 0 pair
$30 US / Cdn.
Simple Elbows
(medium), up to 15" circumference, smooth finish: 0
$30 US / Cdn.
Simple Knees
(large), up to 18" circumference, smooth finish: 0 pairs
$30 US / Cdn.
Simple Knees
(extra large), up to 21" circumference, smooth finish: 0
$30 US / Cdn.
Greaves, fits
up to 6'4" person, smooth finish: 0 pairs
$45 US / Cdn.
Wisby Coat of
Plates Kit: Plates only: 0 kits
$70 US / Cdn.
Wisby Coat of
Plates Kit: Plates, straps, buckles, rivets: 0 kits
$85 US/ Cdn.
Wisby Coat of
Plates Kit: Plates, straps, buckles, rivets, 5.5 oz black
leather: 0 kits
$160 US / Cdn.
Dale Roberts
Alchemy Armory
3629 Old Sambro Road
Sambro, Nova Scotia
Please make all money orders payable
to Dale Roberts.